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Integrating inbound marketing tactics with the CRM tool becomes critical to provide the ROI measurem

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that acquire visitors, instead of marketers going out to stand out enough to be noticed. Inbound marketing gains the the attention of customers, makes the organization simple to be found, and attracts customers to the site by creating fascinating content.

Why inbound marketing works well with CRM tool?

One of the major goal of the Companies that invest in CRM tool are always looking for ways to generate more leads. But as we can see that traditional sales and marketing methods are becoming less and less effective as buyers are more and more getting online to find the solutions they need. One big question today is how to generate leads in this digital world?

Inbound marketing is the practice of being found online when and where prospects are looking, then making it possible for sales teams to have conversations with these prospects. Most of the organizations marketing team are busy to developing inbound marketing strategies to do SEO, modern PR, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), social media and blogging, while struggling to measure the ROI from these activities.

When these strategies are used consistently with the right tools, they generate :

  • High volume of traffic to your website

  • Capture visitors’ contact information and create lead funnel

  • Pull visitors through the middle of the funnel by nurturing them with higher value, relevant and fresh content and qualify them to pass on to your CRM (e.g., SugarCRM, ZohoCRM etc.)

  • Track visitors behavior throughout the website and other interactions

  • Closes the loop back with sales data from your CRM into your marketing systems so you can track overall results

Thus integrating inbound marketing tactics with the CRM tool becomes critical to provide the ROI measurements that relate company’s bottom line.

Business Value for Sales and marketing team.

  • Improves sales team efficiency

  • Improves sales's ability to qualify and connect

  • Instant lead revisit alerts enable sales reps to call qualified leads

  • Reporting allows marketing team to conduct detailed analysis on their marketing campaigns to find out most cost-efficient ways to get customers, and adjust their marketing efforts accordingly

  • Converts leads more effectively

  • Use blogging, SEO, and social media tools to target and help you get found by more qualified visitors.

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